
The world's biggest music trivia game.
Now even better.

Listen to clips from over 100,000 songs, and guess the correct artist or title as fast as you can. Challenge your friends or play with music fans worldwide! Score the most points and win!


This game has a magic formula; we’re not surprised that it’s so popular.
— Billboard Magazine


So many ways to play

Party Mode: Compete against hundreds of players in daily tournaments! Climb the ranks and win cool prizes!

Meet Melody: Practice anytime and anywhere with Melody, the SongPop mascot.

Try for Free: Try any of our more than 1000 playlists for free. Buy your favorites (by playing or through IAP) and challenge friends.



The music trivia you want

Quiz yourself on dozens of genres: Today’s Hits, Classic Rock, Country, Rap, Hip-Hop Pop, Indie, Latin Hits, and more! We even have collections for every decade: 2010s, 2000s, 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s and more!

Get free playlists, tailored to your music taste, just for signing up. Toggle playlists on/off easily to play with the music you want. Look out for new music & playlists added every week!


Oh so addictive.
— Financial Review